Welcome to CHI Group
Laboratory of pi-conjugated molecules and materials

Chunyan Chi (池春彦)
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry, National University of Singapore
3 Science Drive 3, Singapore, 117543
Email: chmcc@nus.edu.sg
Office: MD1-14-03G
Office phone: (65) 6516 5375
Fax: (65) 6779 1691
Twitter: @CChiGroup
Education and Research Experience
2017.07-present Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, NUS
2011.07-2017.06 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, NUS
2007.07-2011.06 Independent Research Fellow (PI), Department of Chemistry, NUS
2005.10-2007.06 Postdoc., University of California at Santa Barbara, Supervisor: Prof. Guillermo C. Bazan
2004.12-2005.09 Research assistant, Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research, Germany
2001.07-2004.11 Ph.D, Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research, Supervisor: Prof. Gerhard Wegner
Editorships / Guest Editorships
2024.08-present Associate Editor, Organic Letters
2024.03-2024.08 Associate Editor, Synthetic Metals
2019.01-2020.01 Co-Guest Editor of a Special Issue on “Functional Organic Materials” of JOC
2023.11-2024.12 Co-Guest Editor of a Thematic Issue on “Pi-Conjugated Molecules and Materials” of Beilstein JOC
International Editorial Advisory Board / Editorial Board
2023.07-present International Advisory Board Member, Organic Materials
2022.01-2024.07 Editorial Advisory Board Member, Organic Letters
2021.04-present Editorial Advisory Board Member, Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry
2021.01-present Editorial Board Member, Chemistry-A European Journal
2020.09-present International Advisory Board Member, Materials Advances
2017.08-present International Advisory Board Member, Journal of Materials Chemistry C
Awards and Honors
2024.04 Distinguished Woman Chemist Award 2024, SNIC-AsCA2019 Singapore Award
2024.01 Faculty Teaching Excellence Award 2023, Faculty of Science, NUS
2023.12 Asian Core Program Lectureship Award from South Korea
2019.09 Asian Core Program Lectureship Award from Hong Kong
2017.03 Distinguished Lectureship Award from Chemical Society of Japan
2016.09 Young Chemist Award, Department of Chemistry, NUS
2014.12 Asian Core Program Lectureship Award from Taiwan
2014.12 Asian Core Program Lectureship Award from China
2013.11 Asian Core Program Lectureship Award from Japan
2004.11 Summa Cum Laude of Ph.D. thesis, Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research, Germany
2001.07 Liu Yongling Award for outstanding M.S. thesis from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Research Interest
The major research activities in my group include structural design, synthesis and physical property studies of new organic pi-conjugated molecules and materials and their applications for organic opto-electronic devices, chemosensors and biosensors.
Teaching Experience
CM5198: Graduate Seminar Module
CM5268: Advanced Organic Materials
CM5262: Contemporary Materials Chemistry
CM5221: Advanced Organic Chemistry
CM4268: Advanced Polymer Science
CM3252: Polymer Chemistry I